My Story

Elston Valley was born out of a hobby and has grown into a passion focused on products created with the planet in mind.

How it all started...

A few years back a friend and I were looking for something to do with the wine bottles that were starting to collect in my home. There were no convenient options for recycling glass at that time so we had to get creative. Everyone loves a great candle, and what better way to make one than in a wine bottle. After many attempts at cutting the bottles, I finally found one that worked. Since then, I have upcycled countless bottles and saved them from a possible lifetime in the landfill.

The environmental impact I strive for... 

The planet is kept in mind when making any decision in this company. From the fragrances to the wax, I strive to choose only eco-friendly options. All of the candles are made from a blend of soy wax from USA grown soybeans. The fragrances are free from harmful phthalates. The labels are made from recycled materials. And the packaging is always centered around sustainability. 

A name with a meaning...

Sounds kind of like a winery right? That is just a coincidence! I have a very close bond with my family and my company name is a tribute to that. My grandparents’ home and the neighborhood it was in, are both reflected in the name Elston Valley. I like to think the name is a reflection of the love I have for my family. 

Thank you for your support,

Jessica Gordon

Owner, Elston Valley Candle Company